Hostage sites trick

Hostage sites trick

The State Government has identified several Park Lands sites that it is holding hostage while demanding the release of other Park Lands sites on which it wants to put enormous new buildings.

These proposed "land swaps" are like the 'shell game' or the pea and thimble trick. They are being offered to make it appear as if your Park Lands would be winning.

Ride for bike safety

Ride for bike safety

The first ride in Adelaide, as part of the global Kidical Mass movement, will kick off from your Bonython Park / Tulya Wardli (Park 27) in September.

Kidical Mass is a growing worldwide body of people with the same vision: to allow children and young people to be able to safely and independently travel by bicycle, wherever they live.

Aquatic Centre consultation farce

Aquatic Centre consultation farce

Consultation on a proposed new Aquatic Centre site has turned into a farce.

Hundreds of responses to APA's ongoing community survey, demanding a win-win for both swimmers and your Park Lands, have been with-held from a "community reference group” hand-picked by State Government consultants to gauge the views of the public on a new Aquatic Centre site.

Hiking Adelaide

Hiking Adelaide

For some of us, doing the 16km Park Lands Loop is enough of an achievement.

For others, meandering the Adelaide Park Lands is a good way to stay limber before tackling longer distances, further afield. Carla Caruso chatted to two SA hikers, who enjoy frequenting the city’s parks in between their longer, rural hikes.

Three Park Lands COVID sites

Three Park Lands COVID sites

Two and a half years into the COVID-19 pandemic, your Adelaide Park Lands are still providing multiple public health benefits.

The value of Open Green Public space for maintaining and improving public health has never been greater. In addition, three sites within the western Park Lands are filling vital roles in detecting and combating the spread of the virus.

Pulled in opposite directions

Pulled in opposite directions

V‏ictoria Park / Pakapakanthi (Park 16) is a park divided. Two rival forces are pulling the largest area of your Adelaide Park Lands in opposite directions. Only one of those forces already has the money to achieve its purposes.

This year, so far, $18 million has been confirmed to increase carbon emissions and concrete in Victoria Park. On the other hand, a grant application for $47,180 to subsidise community tree planting is hanging in the balance.

Sophie's Choice of trees

Sophie's Choice of trees

Sophie's Choice is a story (and movie) about a refugee who was forced to choose which one of her two children would be killed, in order to save the other.

Now, the State Government is asking for your “Sophie's Choice.” Please ACT NOW, and take our 1-minute survey to hit back at the idea that dozens of trees must be killed to save the rest of this Park.

Bird’s-eye view

Bird’s-eye view

A local commercial drone videographer has a new appreciation for the River Torrens / Karrawirra Pari after shooting aerial footage along the river, including here in your Adelaide Park Lands.

Harry runs Adelaide Aerial with wife Ann-Marie. They’ve just spent six weeks capturing rejuvenated parts of the river from up above – from the Hills to West Beach – for Green Adelaide.

Nature as art

Nature as art

Have you ever stumbled across words or artworks, created from bark, leaves and the like, in your Adelaide Park Lands? Chances are you’ve happened upon the designs of Adelaide sculptor and installation artist Jane Skeer.

The 57-year-old recently scooped a prestigious Samstag scholarship, so will leave for Glasgow for two years in September. However, she’s hoping others will continue making art from nature in her wake, putting smiles on the faces of passers-by.

Kaurna Heritage Walk

Kaurna Heritage Walk

If you Love your Park Lands you can't help but acknowledge and respect this land's traditional custodians; the Kaurna people who cared for the land for many thousands of years before European settlers arrived here in the 1830s.

APA joined with the Graham F Smith Peace Foundation on Sunday 3 July to get a Kaurna perspective on your Park Lands, from elder Rod O'Brien.

Olympic swimmer backs Park restoration

Olympic swimmer backs Park restoration

For the second time in two years, a South Australian Olympic hero is spearheading a campaign on behalf of a Park that bears her name.

Denise Norton who fought to save Denise Norton Park from the Adelaide Crows, is now campaigning to get Denise Norton Park restored as Open Green Public space. She's called for a new Aquatic Centre to be constructed on a nearby brownfield site.