The Adelaide Zoo in Park 11 is a magnet for aspiring nature and wildlife photographers.
Among such shutterbugs is Woodville’s Kevin Roberts. If you’ve stumbled across a stunning zoo image on Instagram recently, chances are it’s one of his.
For five years, the Adelaide Park Lands Association has been lobbying the City Council for permission to re-green one or more disused patches of bitumen in your Park Lands.
This Tuesday 13 August, one re-greening opportunity will come to a vote.
Please - contact City Councillors now, to ensure the project gets the go-ahead.
A City Council report on biodiversity has revealed the success of re-greening and habitat restoration in selected parts of your Park Lands.
The first survey of Park Lands biodiversity in 20 years identified new species of native bees, as well three species of microbats, an eel, and the re-emergence of rare grasses and wildflowers.
A major re-write of the over-arching Park Lands Management Strategy suggests no limitation on the number or size of new buildings that might keep taking away parts of your Open, Green, Public spaces.
Before consultation on this draft document closes on 9 August, you can endorse our submission or make your own.