Park 23
English name: G.S. Kingston Park. Kingston was Deputy Surveyor under Colonel William Light
Kaurna name: Wirrarninthi (meaning "to become green and forested")
West Terrace Cemetery,
Wirrarninthi wetlands and intepretive trail,
Kingston Gardens and rotunda,
a sporting field (home of the Adelaide cricket club);
a playground on West Terrace; and
Edwards Park.
Bounded by: West Terrace, Anzac Highway, the Keswick rail line, and Sir Donald Bradman Drive.
G.S. Kingston Park / Wirrarninthi (Park 23)
Two Trail Guides to Park 23
Because Park 23 is so large, we have two separate Trail Guides:
One Trail Guide includes the northern part of this Park, which includes the West Terrace cemetery.
Start this Trail at the corner of West Terrace and Wyld Street (location #1 on the map below) and follow the Trail Guide notes, here:
The Trail is about 3km. Allow about 2hrs 15 minutes.
The Trail starts at the corner of Goodwood Road and Greenhill Road. It’s about 2km. Allow about 90 minutes.
Click or tap on one of the two images above, to see either of the respective Trail Guides and take your own self-guided tour.
See dozens of photos in the G.S. Kingston Park / Wirrarninthi (Park 23) photo album:
West Terrace Cemetery in Park 23 is Adelaide's oldest. It also includes Australia's first military cemetery.
The Wirrarninthi Environmental Education Trail was developed in 2015 by a team of four people participating in a 'Community Leaders' program. It assists walkers to look around, explore, investigate and use your imagination.
The trail features a number of bronze animal statues by accalimed sculptor Silvio Apponyi
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